
Installing rgdal for R on Mac

rgdal provides an interface between R and the GDAL/OGR library, which provides extensive support for a variety of geospatial formats. It is extremely useful for data import and export tasks, particularly because it can read projection information (from .prj files). However, to use rgdal, one must install GDAL and other frameworks on your system first. This is a guide for how to install rgdal on a Mac.

1. Download and install the GDAL, PROJ, and GEOS frameworks: http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/frameworks. The easiest method is just to install all the frameworks using the GDAL 1.9 Complete installer.

2. Verify the directories in which the frameworks were installed. For me, the directories were as follows:
  • /Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/
  • /Library/Frameworks/GEOS.framework/
  • /Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/

3. Verify that GCC is installed. The easiest way to do so is by opening up Terminal and typing gcc --version. If you receive an error, it means that you are either missing GCC or Terminal can't find it. The easiest way to get GCC on a Mac is to install the Command Line Tools for XCode. This is what I did, and for me, when I run the command gcc --version, the output is "i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00)".

4.  Download the latest version of rgdal from CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rgdal/index.html.

5. Now, in Terminal, cd to the location of the tarball for rgdal and run the following command: 
R CMD INSTALL --configure-args='--with-gdal-config=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/unix/bin/gdal-config --with-proj-include=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/include --with-proj-lib=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/lib' rgdal_0.7-12.tar.gz

6. If the installation script runs without error in Terminal, you're ready to load the package in R using

Note: if upon attempting to load the rgdal library in R using you receive an error of the form "Error: package ‘rgdal’ is not installed for 'arch=x86_64'", this means that rgdal was installed for a different architecture of R (32-bit instead of 64-bit in this case). To install rgdal explicitly for the 64-bit architecture, you can modify Step 5 above by adding in the <code>--arch x86_64</code> option:
R --arch x86_64 CMD INSTALL --configure-args='--with-gdal-config=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/unix/bin/gdal-config --with-proj-include=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/include --with-proj-lib=/Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/unix/lib' rgdal_0.7-12.tar.gz


Installing MinionPro font for LaTeX on Mac OS X

This tutorial shows how to install the MinionPro font for LaTeX. Following these instructions should insure that you can compile LaTeX documents with the \usepackage{MinionPro} command (instead of using XeTeX). Throughout this explanation, the TeX tree that I refer to is located at: /Library/TeX/Root/texmf/. Note that this is equivalent to /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/ for my 2012 TeX distribution.

In Terminal, I created a variable for the TeX tree directory:

Part 1: Install MnSymbol

1) Download MnSymbol package, which provides mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro, from CRAN in the form of a zip file. Unzip the file to form a temporary directory (I just created a mnsymbol directory in ~/Downloads temporarily).

2) Using Terminal:
cd ~/Downloads/mnsymbol/tex
latex MnSymbol.ins 

3) Move contents from MnSymbol directory to appropriate locations of TeX tree:

First create the new directories in TeX tree:
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/tex/latex/MnSymbol/
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/fonts/source/public/MnSymbol/
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/doc/latex/MnSymbol

Move MnSymbol.sty to /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf/tex/latex/MnSymbol.sty:
sudo cp MnSymbol.sty $texmf_folder/tex/latex/MnSymbol/MnSymbol.sty 

Move all contents of directory source to /texmf/fonts/source/public/MnSymbol/:
cd ..
sudo cp source/* $texmf_folder/fonts/source/public/MnSymbol/

Move documentation:
sudo cp MnSymbol.pdf README $texmf_folder/doc/latex/MnSymbol/

4) To install the PostScript fonts into TeX tree:
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/fonts/map/dvips/MnSymbol
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/fonts/enc/dvips/MnSymbol
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/fonts/type1/public/MnSymbol
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/fonts/tfm/public/MnSymbol

sudo cp enc/MnSymbol.map $texmf_folder/fonts/map/dvips/MnSymbol/
sudo cp enc/*.enc $texmf_folder/fonts/enc/dvips/MnSymbol/
sudo cp pfb/*.pfb $texmf_folder/fonts/type1/public/MnSymbol/
sudo cp tfm/* $texmf_folder/fonts/tfm/public/MnSymbol/

5) Regenerate TeX tree file database:
sudo mktexlsr
sudo updmap-sys --enable MixedMap MnSymbol.map

The following file should now compile: mnsymbol-test.tex

Part 2: Install MinionPro

1) Locate MinionPro OpenType font files. On Mac OS X, fonts are generally located under /Library/Fonts/. However, on my computer the Adobe fonts are under /Applications/Adobe Reader.app/Contents/Resources/Resource/Font/ (alternatively sometimes /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts).

Note that before proceeding, double-check that you have a working installation of lcdf-typetools, needed to convert the OpenType fonts. On my system, LCDF Typetools were already installed (can check in Terminal if otfinfo --help command works).

Figure out version of fonts using following command in Terminal:
otfinfo -v MinionPro-Regular.otf

Output for my fonts:
Version 2.015;PS 002.000;Core 1.0.38;makeotf.lib1.7.9032

2) Go to CTAN directory for MinionPro.
  • Download scripts.zip. This will contains convert.sh, a Unix script. Unzip as a temporary directory wherever you want (I placed in ~/Downloads).
  • Download the appropriate encoding file, corresponding to the version of the MinionPro font you are using. My MinionPro font is of version 2.000, so I downloaded enc-v2.000.zip. I left the zipfile in ~/Downloads.
  • Download metrics-base.zip (contains metrics for Regular, It, Bold, and BoldIt fonts) and, optionally, metrics-full.zip (contains additional metrics for Medium, Medium Italic, Semibold, and SemiboldItalic fonts). I left the zipfiles in ~/Downloads.

3) We need to convert the OpenType font files (.otf) to PostScript files (.pfb). In order to do this, copy the MinionPro OpenType files (MinionPro-Regular.otf, MinionPro-Bold.otf, MinionPro-It.otf, and MinionPro-BoldIt.otf) from pre-identified directory to ~Downloads/scripts/otf. 

Then in Terminal: 
cd ~/Downloads/scripts

4) Copy PostScript fonts to TeX tree:
sudo mkdir -p $texmf_folder/fonts/type1/adobe/MinionPro/
sudo cp pfb/*.pfb $texmf_folder/fonts/type1/adobe/MinionPro/

5) Unzip enc-2.000.zip, metrics-base.zip, and metrics-full.zip files into the TeX directory:
cd $texmf_folder
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/enc-2.000.zip
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/metrics-base.zip
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/metrics-full.zip

6) Regenerate TeX tree file database:
sudo mktexlsr
sudo updmap-sys --enable MixedMap MinionPro.map

The following file should now compile: minionpro-test.tex

I would like to thank the following tutorials for help in figuring this out:

My favorite applications for OS X

I've recently upgraded to the mid-2012 version of the MacBook Pro, which has given me a chance to completely install all my programs from scratch, as well as re-evaluate the applications I use. After significant research, here are the the applications that I have found extremely useful for Mac OS X, by category:

Productivity and Organization Tools:
  • Evernote: great note-taking and web clipping utility that synchs with the web and across devices (including iPhone). Also check out Evernote Trunk for many additional, productivity-enhancing add-ons.
  • Papers2: pdf organization program (costs ~$50 with student discount)
  • 1Password: password manager (costs $50)
  • Transmit: Mac OS X FTP client

Text Editors:
  • Aquamacs: An editor for text, HTML, LaTeX, C++, Java, Python, R, Perl, Ruby, PHP, and other languages (I use this mostly for LaTeX and Python). Based on GNU Emacs platform. 
  • TextWrangler: professional HTML and text editor (and for other languages).

  • Seashore: open source image editor for Mac. It is simpler to use than GIMP because it seeks to provide basic image editing needs, not to replace professional image editing products.
  • Gimp: GNU Image Manipulation Program that is great open-source replacement for Photoshop. Useful for photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
Note: Gimp requires X11, an application that implements the X Window System. However, Apple no longer provides X11 support for Mountain Lion directly (as X11.app). However, one can download XQuartz, which is an open source version of X11 that runs on Mountain Lion and allows to run all X11-based applications in Mac OS X.

PDF Reader:
  • Skim: PDF reader and note-taker. Integrates with Timestamper for Mac application developed for   recording timing of pdf (Beamer) slides during a lecture.

Music and Videos:
  • Spotify: stream music for free.
  • VLC: open source and cross-platform multimedia player.

  • ClamXav: free virus checker for Mac OS X. Based upon open source ClamAV engine.

Developer Tools:
  • XCode: Apple's developer environment. Includes GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. I recommend using the Command Line Tools for XCode, which can be installed from within XCode using the "Downloads" pane within "Preferences". Command Line Tools provide UNIX-style development via Terminal by installing command line developer tools (as well as MAC OS X SDK frameworks). Note that these can be installed without installing XCode here.
  • Homebrew: command line package manager for Mac OS X.